Thursday, May 10, 2012

Blog Post #3

My book relates to your average story of someone trying to reach their dreams, despite the odds. In a way "No Hurdle Too High" reminds me of the movie "Soul Surfer". In the movie, the main character tries to reach her dream of becoming a champion surfer. However, this is a challenge because she only has one arm. She beats the odds and ends up being successfu. Like the character in "Soul Surfer", Margie had to overcome the challenges of being a top rider. She got injured numerous times, but continued riding. When she shattered her ankle, the doctor said she shouldn't ride for at least six months. However, Margie doesn't listen. She had a cast specially made and had it painted black, so it would look like her boot. Despite the pain, she rode and won AGA Rider of the year. The book is written in a way that describes Margie's hardships, then describes the postive outcome of her trying to reach a goal.

1 comment:

  1. i understand what you mean, this doesn't relate to mine though. OH WELL!
